Welcoming our Alliance’s newest organizer!

Welcoming our Alliance’s newest organizer!

Western Colorado Alliance is proud to announce the hiring of Laura Bloom, our new regional organizer specializing in oil & gas work.

Laura was born and raised in Grand Junction. She grew up exploring Western Colorado on trips with her family where she learned about many of the towns, the value of land and water, independence, and energy sources.

She holds a Bachelor of Science in biology and a Master of Science in integrated sciences. Her education lends several key skills to her new role at Western Colorado Alliance.

She spent a good amount of time between degrees working for a non-profit non-governmental organization that advocates for evidence-based policies and healthcare in Washington, DC.

Laura is excited to bring that experience to the Western Slope, integrating with the culture and priorities at Western Colorado Alliance.

Laura believes in finding ways to connect topics and issues and multimodal solutions; this can help effect stronger changes and bridge community divides. Laura operates from the core tenants of respect, recognition, and communication. She looks forward to building her skills at Western Colorado Alliance and becoming an asset to the people of Western Colorado.

When she isn’t working, Laura enjoys spending time with her family (especially her husband and dogs), baking, reading, and hiking.

Laura takes over Oil & Gas work from Brian Williams, who is remaining with our Alliance, but is moving over to become our Alliance’s new Membership Coordinator.

Laura can be reached at laura@westerncoloradoalliance.org. We hope you’ll join us in wishing her a warm welcome. We’re excited about what Laura will bring to our Alliance!

About the author

Arn's career includes more than 35 years of experience in broadcast media, online advertising and branding in both Western Colorado and New York City. He is a four-time Colorado Broadcast Award winner and has also won multiple Colorado Press Association Awards. Arn also teaches Film Expression at the college level. He lives with a dramatic pit bull and a grandiose cat and enjoys painting, animating, and exploring cinema in his spare time.