West Slope Youth Voice gets busy!

West Slope Youth Voice gets busy!

West Slope Youth Voice, our Alliance’s non-partisan youth organization with the goal of encouraging youth to view voting as a right and a responsibility — always — and to engage in every election, has kicked into high gear as summer draws to a close and the new school semester looms.

West Slope Youth Voice’s student interns have been collating and organizing the data which will populate their upcoming annual Western Slope Youth Voice Issues Report, the theme of which this year is “Building a Better Future.” As part of that effort, they’ve also shot this year’s West Slope Youth Voice video, which they are excited to premiere soon!

The students are preparing to start the school semester and begin classroom presentations, where they will register their peers to vote, share information about the importance of voting in the 2022 midterm elections, and hand out the 2022-2023 student survey asking students a variety of questions about their lives and experiences as youth/students living on the Western Slope, which will inform next year’s Issues Report.

We look forward to showing you the students’ video and making available their Issues Report in coming weeks. Watch our Alliance’s Facebook page and website for more information!

About the author

Tyler grew up in Grand Junction, graduating from Fruita Monument High School and attending Colorado Mesa University where he graduated in 2016. Since then, Tyler has spent the last six years working on political campaigns of all types from city council and school board up to presidential campaigns at the state level. Tyler is passionate about issues including conservation, energy, and responsible growth of the Western Slope.