We’ve moved this bill to TIER ONE for Colorado’s mental health!

We’ve moved this bill to TIER ONE for Colorado’s mental health!

Hello, it’s Daniel filling in for Jeriel again this week!

This week, I’d like to highlight that the Legislative Committee recently moved HB21-1068 (“Insurance Coverage Mental Health Wellness Exam”) from tier 2 to 1 in our tiering system. This means that it is one of our highest priority bills and will receive active lobbying from us and our lobbyist working in the Capitol.

The reason why we are choosing to support this bill at the highest level is because of its profound impacts on mental health care provisions within the state. This bill would require health coverage plans to include an up to 60-minute mental health session for individuals annually. Such would help not only ensure that everyone is receiving adequate mental health examination, but would further include mental health in our conversations regarding overall health.

Mental health is just as important as physical health, and therefore it should be easy to understand why this examination and coverage is needed to uphold Colorado’s duty to protect the human right of health.

The good news is that this bill is doing very well, as it has already passed one chamber. To fortify it even further, help us by contacting your local state senator and communicating to them why it is important for Colorado to support the human rights that we all deserve.


(If you’re unsure, use this tool to determine your senator: https://leg.colorado.gov/find-my-legislator)

Kerry Donovan

(303) 866-4871

Don Coram

(303) 866-4884

Ray Scott

(303) 866-3077

Bob Rankin

(303) 866-5292

Cleave Simpson

(303) 866-4875

About the author

Daniel is a local Colorado Mesa University student, born and raised in Grand Junction, Colorado. He’s hugely active in student government and as a mentor, and is majoring in Political Science, with minors in History and Classical Studies. He plans on pursuing a PhD in Political Science after graduating. Daniel wants to become a professor of political science, as well as continue to be involved in whatever local community he lives in.