GMUG Forest offers wilderness webinars

GMUG Forest offers wilderness webinars

Over the next few months, the Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre and Gunnison (GMUG) National Forest will publish draft sections of its new Forest Plan for public review. The first subject that the GMUG will cover in this round of draft publications is the Wilderness Evaluation.

The agency will also host two webinars to walk you through the documents and answer questions, with the hopes that you’ll provide feedback to help improve them. In this way, the GMUG hopes to build an adaptive, effective, integrated Forest Plan.

Wilderness Evaluation Webinar
Tuesday, August 7th
4:00-5:30 p.m.
 Wilderness Evaluation Webinar
Thursday, August 9th
9:00-10:30 a.m.
For audio, please call in to 1-888-844-9904,
participant code 8454465#
For audio, please call in to 1-888-844-9904,
participant code 8454465#

The GMUG Forest plans to make the draft Wilderness Evaluation Report and its supporting documents available on its planning website in early August.   If you’re new to the forest planning process, you can also find past publications, information on how to participate, and other helpful resources on this site. Questions? Contact  or Western Colorado Alliance organizer Leah Lopez at 970.256.7650.